Margaret River Community Centre COVID-19 Response

COVID-19 Response March 2020

The Community Centre is closed to visitors, however:

** Emergency Relief is available by telephone, Mon-Fri, 9am -1pm: 9757 3200 or 0490 040 778

Our focus is to assist people who have not yet registered for the government supports or who are yet to receive their payment. Please call the office and we can match the available supports to your circumstances. Your privacy is always respected.

** Takeaway Soupie meals are available 4-6pm on Mondays and Wednesdays with physical distancing and additional hygiene measures in place – no mingling or dining on site.

** Contact our tenants directly about adaptation of their services.
All room hire has ceased, no bookings will be taken until further notice.

** Community Centre for Children families are receiving regular updates from Lynda and the childcare team.

** Financial Counselling is definitely still available, albeit by phone. Contact the office to arrange an appointment and please understand that with the current increase in demand, a waiting list may be started.

** For info on health and COVID-19, visit:

** For info on federal government financial supports, how to register for mygov and how to register for Centrelink, visit:

**For info on state government matters, including education, transport/ intrastate travel and a range of links to intercultural resources, visit:

** Augusta Margaret River Shire have a dedicated web page with a comprehensive list of COVID-19 links and resources, visit:…/enviro…/covid19-information

Remember we’re all in this together and to look out for each other. While we have to keep a physical distance, don’t feel alone.

Lastly, as well as the links on the Shire’s web page above, here’s a list of local mental well-being supports from the Shire’s My Community Directory:


Margaret River Community Centre supports safe resolution for people detained on Manus

Amnesty International Margaret River has prepared a petition with the support of numerous local community groups, including the Margaret River Community Centre, to call attention to the need for a speedy and safe resolution to the current crisis of the refugees and asylum seekers on Manus Island.

This petition will be tabled to the Augusta Margaret River Shire Councillors and then onto the levels of government that can make the changes. For more info and to sign the petition ASAP please visit:



Margaret River Community Centre needs a treasurer

Supported by our in-house bookkeeper and accounts officer, the volunteer treasurer role on the management committee of the Margaret River Community Resource Centre Inc which operates the Margaret River Community Centre at the Old Hospital Heritage Precinct, is vacant.

The role is well-suited to someone with a financial background and an interest in community well-being. Experience with grant bodies would be a wonderful bonus.

Please consider if this is something you would enjoy or spread the word to people you know. Contact Lydell or Sally via the office on 9757 3200 to chat about the role.

Supporting the Margaret River community since 1984.

Margaret River Community Centre AGM August 18, 2017

At the recent AGM of the Margaret River Community Resource Centre, which operates the Margaret River Community Centre in the Old Hospital Heritage Precinct, Sally Hays was re-elected as the Chairperson with the full support of the volunteer management committee, who are also staying on for another year of service to our community.


We farewelled Kris Keen who retired after 20+years of guidance as the Centre’s Heritage Architect.


Award winning artist to offer painting workshops in Margaret River

Recently arrived to Margaret River, artist David Giles will be offering painting workshops starting this month.

Winner of twenty awards, Giles has exhibited globally and owns two art galleries in Fremantle. Giles starts the workshops with a demonstration, then with a focus on personal expression, participants are encouraged to “let go” and trust their intuition.

“More than five hundred people have participated in my workshops over the last twenty years with dozens going on to become award winning artists,’” says Giles.

“Whether you harbour an inner desire to become an exhibiting artist or just want to paint for fun, the workshops are always a relaxing and enjoyable way to spend the day. Many participants say how much it has changed their lives and helped them feel more relaxed.”

Suitable for all levels including the absolute novice, the workshops provide a unique opportunity to learn to express yourself through painting. The workshops will be held each month at the Margaret River Community Centre and are suitable for all levels, from complete beginners to professional.

To book, contact David Giles on 0416079204 or go to