Margaret River

Soup Kitchen

“The Soupie”


All Welcome

Mondays and Wednesdays 5pm

$7 or donate what you can

Drug and alcohol free-venue.

Closed public holidays.

No dogs please.

Excess produce from your garden can be donated at the kitchen in the main building on Monday or Wednesday mornings – thank you.


It’s a fantastic place to meet, eat and greet really… you can get a nutritIous meal for not a lot of money and have a nice evening connecting with others.

Dave Seegar

Founder, MR Soup Kitchen

2017 Soupie video by Olivier Marill

What it takes

Lots of factors come together to enable the provision of our fresh and low cost meals, including:

  • produce harvested from our own kitchen garden
  • donations from local residents with abundance in their gardens
  • donations from local supermarkets, grocers and restaurants
  • SecondBite Community Connect 
  • takings each night – suggested amount is $7/meal
  • the time donated by all the volunteers each week
Financial Donations

Financial donations help to cover the operating costs of the Soupie and are gratefully received, thank you.

     Account name: Margaret River Community Centre Inc

     Account BSB: 036127

     Account Number: 185203

Please state in the description ‘Soup Kitchen donation’.

Receipts can be requested by email and collected from the Admin Office.

Volunteers Welcome

Cooking happens earlier in the day, in the commercial kitchen in the main building at the Community Centre. Volunteers are welcome to assist with preparations and cooking – come along at 8:30/9:00am on Mondays or Wednesdays and introduce yourself to the crew. Brace yourself for tantalising aromas as cooking begins! 

The evening volunteers arrive at 4:45pm and help with serving and cleaning up. 

Fundraising: fusion of art & cuisine

Keep an eye out for the next Soupie fundraiser, following on from Bowls for Soupie 2024 and 2023, Souped Up Soupie 2022 and Cabin Fever at Soupie 2021.

The generosity of local ceramic artisans in crafting bowls to be filled with Soupie curries and cuisine from guest chefs makes for a night to remember.

We are really grateful for the massive support from community service groups, individuals and local businesses who have gotten behind these events!