Margaret River

Community Centre for Children

Established 1994

08 9757 2520

Childcare Margaret River

Margaret River Community Centre for Children is a family- and child-centred long day care centre, focusing on inclusivity and interculturalism.

Staff provide top level care and a quality learning environment, with lots of community and nature-based interactions. The childcare centre is a not-for-profit organisation.

The childcare centre meets all the National Quality Standards set by ACECQA, providing quality education and care in all seven quality areas.

Opening Hours

8am-5:30pm, Monday – Friday

Closed public holidays.

Two week closure over Christmas-New Year.

Age Groups

We care for 6-week old babies through to 5 year old children, in our 4 groups:

  • 6 weeks – 18 months, with 2 educators in the group of 8.
  • 18 months – 2 years old, with 2 educators in the group of 8.
  • 2 – 3 year olds, a maximum of 20 children with x4 educators.
  • 3 – 5 year olds, a maximum of 20 children with x2 educators.

From 01/07/2024: $135.76/day

The Childcare Subsidy will reduce this if you are eligible. Visit:


Not For Profit

The Community Centre for Children is a not-for-profit facility operated by the Margaret River Community Centre Inc. All proceeds support the wider operations of the Community Centre.

Industry Recognition

Margaret River Community Centre for Children is rated as Meeting Standards in all National Quality Standards by ACECQA. This is the national benchmark that all childcare services are assessed and rated against to ensure quality and outcomes for children.

In 2020, Margaret River Community Centre for Children was voted in the top 5 of all childcare services in Western Australia. See The West story here.

The Centre is a SunSmart accredited centre.

Margaret River Community Centre for Children offers a nurturing environment that is welcoming and friendly, and values family input into children’s care and learning.

We connect children to others in an inclusive environment based on social justice principles. Alternative perspectives, values, beliefs, lifestyles and people’s cultures and identities are respected and accepted.

We encourage participation in our immediate community, to promote respect and responsibility for others and for the environment.

Our intention is to promote a true sense of belonging to the broader community, and a lifelong desire for learning.

Meet Amber

Amber Fairbrass is the Coordinator of the Community Centre for Children.

Born and raised in Margaret River, Amber has worked in childcare for over 20 years. After many years working with the founding coordinator, Lynda Green, Amber became the Coordinator in December 2020 when Lynda retired.

Amber is in the Centre Monday to Friday, supporting her team of over 18 certified educators to deliver the highest standard of education and care, assisting families and their children with the integration into child care, guiding the continual upskilling of educators and overseeing all other aspects of the smooth running of the place. Amber also engages with the local TAFE and high school in conducting work placements for students who are working towards their qualifications in the industry.

Our Administration Assistant, Melanie is the person you’re most likely to speak with when you call the Community Centre for Children. She manages registrations, enrolments, invoicing and correspondence – so if you need to change days, sort a payment plan or add something to the newsletter, have a chat or email Mel.


Contact us to arrange a time to visit:

Tel 9757 2520 or email


Please download the Application for a Permanent Booking Form

Application Form

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