MRCC Ordinary MembershipOrdinary Membership$5.00Ordinary Membership is for individuals or organisations who support the Objects of the Association. It allows the member full voting rights. An annual fee of $5 applies for July - June.Ordinary Membership Signup * Username * First Name * Last Name * Email Address * PasswordStrength: Very Weak * Postcode Telephone* APPLICANT'S INTERESTSHeritage conservation Old Hospital historyCommunity Centre history eg photo archiving project Events Art eg cataloguing, exhibitions Soup Kitchen - cooking in morning or assisting with serving in the evening Mental health and wellbeing Community enhancement and development Strengthening and supporting families Secretarial and administrative tasks eg memberships, PR clipping, year books, volunteer rosteringGovernance and strategic planning Financial management Grants and fundraising Other* Would you like to volunteer some time in these areas during the coming year?I would like to volunteer on a regular basis across the yearI would like to volunteer for short term projectsI am unlikely to be able to volunteer in the coming year* Objectives AgreementI support the Objects of the Association* Information AgreementI understand my contact details will be retained on the MRCC Inc Membership Register and I will be subscribed to the members and supporters' mailing list* Age RequirementI am 15 years or older* NominationI nominate to be a member of Margaret River Community Centre IncDone(Use Cropper to set image and use mouse scroller for zoom image.) Select Your Payment GatewayBank TransferHow you want to pay?Auto Debit PaymentManual PaymentPayment SummaryYour currently selected plan : , Plan Amount : Coupon Discount Amount : , Final Payable Amount: Submit MRCC Junior MembershipAssociate Membership: Junior$0.00Associate Membership: Junior is for children under 15 years of age. Associate Membership is free and includes the rights of Ordinary Membership, except for voting rights. At age 15 or older, please apply for Ordinary Membership.Ordinary Membership Signup * Username * First Name * Last Name * Email Address * PasswordStrength: Very Weak * Postcode Telephone* APPLICANT'S INTERESTSHeritage conservation Old Hospital historyCommunity Centre history eg photo archiving project Events Art eg cataloguing, exhibitions Soup Kitchen Mental health and wellbeing Community enhancement and development Strengthening and supporting families Secretarial and administrative tasks eg memberships, PR clipping, year books, volunteer rosteringGovernance and strategic planning Financial management Grants and fundraising Other* Would you like to volunteer some time in these areas during the coming year?I would like to volunteer on a regular basis across the yearI would like to volunteer for short term projectsI am unlikely to be able to volunteer in the coming year* Objectives AgreementI support the Objects of the Association* Information AgreementI understand my contact details will be retained on the MRCC Inc Membership Register and I will be subscribed to the members and supporters' mailing list* Age RequirementI am under 15 years old My date of birth is* NominationI nominate to be a member of Margaret River Community Centre Inc Payment SummaryYour currently selected plan : , Plan Amount : Coupon Discount Amount : , Final Payable Amount: Submit