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Financial Donations

Financial donations help to cover the operating costs of our services, including the Emergency Relief Program (eg shower and laundry facility for people without a home) and our Soup Kitchen. Donations are gratefully received, thank you.

Account name: Margaret River Community Centre Inc

Account BSB: 036127

Account Number: 185203

Please state in the description ‘Donation_SURNAME’.

Receipts can be requested by email and collected from the Admin Office.

Preserving Heritage

Seven state heritage listed buildings,
the oldest constructed in 1924.

Supporting Children and Families

Childcare, playgroup, toy library, child health.

Local Access to Agencies, Services & Interest Groups

   Including health, aged care, counselling, arts, disability, community radio and natural resource management.

Advocacy for Social Justice and Inclusivity

Visiting services and advocacy groups.

Education, Arts, Growth and Connection

Rooms to rent for dance, choir, art, meetings, workshops and start-up businesses.

Emergency Relief in Times of Need

Soup kitchen, food, pharmacy assistance, fuel and
referrals to other supports.


What’s On at Margaret river Community Centre

Check the table for the regular activities happening in Term 3, 2024. For details, view here then contact the organiser directly.

Like our Facebook page to be notified of one-off events and special activities.